Source code for bmi_wavewatch3.source

import datetime
import pathlib
import urllib

from .errors import ChoiceError, DateValueError

class _WaveWatch3Source:
    SCHEME = "https"
    NETLOC = ""
    PREFIX = ""

    GRIDS = {
    QUANTITIES = {"wind", "hs", "tp", "dp"}
    MIN_DATE = None
    MAX_DATE = None

    def __init__(self, date, quantity, grid="glo_30m"):
        self._date = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(self.validate_date(date))
        self._quantity = self.validate_quantity(quantity)
        self._grid = self.validate_grid(grid)

    def path(self):
        raise NotImplementedError("path")

    def filename(self):
        raise NotImplementedError("filename")

    def __str__(self):
        return urllib.parse.urlunparse(

    def __repr__(self):
        date = self._date.isoformat()
        return f"{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__}({date!r}, {self.quantity!r}, grid={self.grid!r})"

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return str(self) == str(other)

    def grid(self):
        return self._grid

    def grid(self, grid):
        self._grid = grid

    def date(self):
        return self._date.isoformat(timespec="hours")

    def date(self, date):
        self._date = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(self.validate_date(date))

    def quantity(self):
        return self._quantity

    def quantity(self, quantity):
        self._quantity = self.validate_quantity(quantity)

    def year(self):
        return self._date.year

    def year(self, year):
            self._date =, self.month,
        except ValueError as error:
            raise DateValueError(str(error))

    def month(self):
        return self._date.month

    def month(self, month):
            self._date = datetime.datetime(self.year, month,
        except ValueError as error:
            raise DateValueError(str(error))

    def validate_quantity(cls, quantity):
        if quantity not in cls.QUANTITIES:
            raise ChoiceError(quantity, cls.QUANTITIES)
        return quantity

    def validate_grid(cls, grid):
        if grid not in cls.GRIDS:
            raise ChoiceError(grid, cls.GRIDS)
        return grid

    def validate_date(cls, date):
        except ValueError as error:
            raise DateValueError(str(error))
        date_in_range_or_raise(date, lower=cls.MIN_DATE, upper=cls.MAX_DATE)

        return date

[docs]def date_in_range_or_raise(date, lower=None, upper=None): date = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(date) lower = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(lower) if lower else lower if lower and date < lower: raise DateValueError( f"{date}: date is less than minimum date for this dataset ({lower})" ) upper = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(upper) if upper else upper if upper and date > upper: raise DateValueError( f"{date}: date is greater than maximum date for this dataset ({upper})" )
[docs]class WaveWatch3SourcePhase1(_WaveWatch3Source): """ """ SCHEME = "https" NETLOC = "" PREFIX = "/waves/hindcasts/nopp-phase1" GRIDS = { "ak_4m", "ak_10m", "ecg_4m", "ecg_10m", # "glo_30m_ext", "glo_30m", "med_10m", "nsb_4m", "nsb_10m", "nwio_10m", "oz_4m", "oz_10m", "pi_10m", "wc_4m", "wc_10m", } MIN_DATE = "1979-01-01" MAX_DATE = "2009-12-31" def __init__(self, date, quantity, grid="glo_30m"): super().__init__(date, quantity, grid=grid) @property def path(self): path = ( self.PREFIX / pathlib.PurePosixPath(f"{self.year}{self.month:02d}") / "grib" ) return path / self.filename @property def filename(self): return f"multi_reanal.{self.grid}.{self.quantity}.{self.year}{self.month:02d}.grb2.gz"
[docs]class WaveWatch3SourcePhase2(_WaveWatch3Source): """ """ SCHEME = "https" NETLOC = "" PREFIX = "/waves/hindcasts/nopp-phase2" GRIDS = { "ak_4m", "ak_10m", "ecg_4m", "ecg_10m", "glo_30m_ext", "med_10m", "nsb_4m", "nsb_10m", "nwio_10m", "oz_4m", "oz_10m", "pi_10m", "wc_4m", "wc_10m", } MIN_DATE = "1979-01-01" MAX_DATE = "2009-12-31" def __init__(self, date, quantity, grid="glo_30m_ext"): super().__init__(date, quantity, grid=grid) @property def path(self): path = ( self.PREFIX / pathlib.PurePosixPath(f"{self.year}{self.month:02d}") / "gribs" ) return path / self.filename @property def filename(self): return ( f"multi_reanal.{self.grid}.{self.quantity}.{self.year}{self.month:02d}.grb2" )
[docs]class WaveWatch3SourceMultigrid(_WaveWatch3Source): """ """ SCHEME = "https" NETLOC = "" PREFIX = "/waves/hindcasts/multi_1" MIN_DATE = "2005-02-01" MAX_DATE = "2019-05-31" @property def path(self): path = ( self.PREFIX / pathlib.PurePosixPath(f"{self.year}{self.month:02d}") / "gribs" ) return path / self.filename @property def filename(self): return f"multi_1.{self.grid}.{self.quantity}.{self.year}{self.month:02d}.grb2"
[docs]class WaveWatch3SourceMultigridExt(_WaveWatch3Source): """ """ SCHEME = "https" NETLOC = "" PREFIX = "/waves/hindcasts/multi_1" GRIDS = { "glo_30m", "ao_30m", "at_10m", "wc_10m", "ep_10m", "ak_10m", "at_4m", "wc_4m", "ak_4m", } QUANTITIES = {"wind", "hs", "tp", "dp", "phs", "ptp", "pdir"} # added 2017 onward MIN_DATE = "2017-02-01" MAX_DATE = "2019-05-31" @property def path(self): path = ( self.PREFIX / pathlib.PurePosixPath(f"{self.year}{self.month:02d}") / "gribs" ) return path / self.filename @property def filename(self): return f"multi_1.{self.grid}.{self.quantity}.{self.year}{self.month:02d}.grb2"
[docs]class WaveWatch3SourceThredds(_WaveWatch3Source): SCHEME = "https" NETLOC = "" PREFIX = "/thredds-ocean/fileServer/ncep/nww3" MIN_DATE = "2005-02-01" MAX_DATE = "2019-05-31" @property def path(self): path = self.PREFIX / pathlib.PurePosixPath(f"{self.year}", f"{self.month:02d}") path /= self.grid if self.year < 2017 else "gribs" return path / self.filename @property def filename(self): return f"multi_1.{self.grid}.{self.quantity}.{self.year}{self.month:02d}.grb2"
[docs]class WaveWatch3SourceSinglegrid(_WaveWatch3Source): """ """ SCHEME = "https" NETLOC = "" PREFIX = "/waves/hindcasts/nww3" GRIDS = {"akw", "enp", "nah", "nph", "nww3", "wna"} MIN_DATE = "1999-07-01" MAX_DATE = "2006-09-30" def __init__(self, date, quantity, grid="nww3"): super().__init__(date, quantity, grid=grid) @property def path(self): return pathlib.PurePosixPath(self.PREFIX) / self.filename @property def filename(self): return f"{self.grid}.{self.quantity}.{self.year}{self.month:02d}.grb"
SOURCES = { "multigrid": WaveWatch3SourceMultigrid, "multigrid-extended": WaveWatch3SourceMultigridExt, "multigrid-thredds": WaveWatch3SourceThredds, "phase1": WaveWatch3SourcePhase1, "phase2": WaveWatch3SourcePhase2, "singlegrid": WaveWatch3SourceSinglegrid, }